Address: No. 8, Alley 4, Lane 286, Section 3, Luósīfú Rd, Jhongjheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
電話 (Phone):(02)2365-9186
營業時間:11:00~14:00, 17:00~21:00
Hours of Operation: 11:00-14:00, 17:00-21:00
Poppy Thai Cuisine is a Thai restaurant in Gongguan, near NTU campus.
看到店門口囉~越來越期待啦! 除了招牌上的推薦菜單~還有甚麼呢? 進去看看吧!
This is the storefront.
先來看看菜單上的選項! 如果是一個人,可以直接點套餐,就是主菜加飯。
Let's take a look at the menu. You can order single dishes and eat family style, or you can order combos for individuals.
This is one portion of rice!
接下來是煮菜的部分! 今天所點的是泰國菜中,非常有特色的打拋雞! 雞肉並不會太老或太硬~
This dish is Thai Fried Chicken. The chicken is tender and the sauce is tangy and spicy. Quite delicious!
蝦仁烘蛋也很不錯! 很香,雖然調味很簡單,但是卻展現出蛋香跟蝦仁的脆度呢!
This is Thai Shrimp Omelet. The egg is fried to perfection. It smells like heaven!
這道蝦醬青菜並沒有蝦醬的腥味,反而是個很特別的調味! 讓炒青菜也有別於平日吃的感受。
The next dish is Vegetables Stir-Fried in Oyster Sauce. The veggies are crunchy and the sauce gives it the flavor of seafood without being fishy.
清蒸檸檬魚的肉質軟,帶有點檸檬酸味與辣椒的辣味! 因為好吃,所以魚就被大家吃光光,連魚頭也不剩唷!^^
We also ordered Lemon Steamed Fish. The lemon gets rid of the fishiness and leaves fresh-tasting, fall-off the bone tender fish.
And the last dish is Spicy and Sour Thai Seafood Soup. The soup was packed with seafood and on the more sour side (so be warned if you don't like sour food).
至於水的容器也非常特別,是銀做的! 美中不足的是,服務生不會幫你遞水跟餐具(如:湯匙),
他會叫你自己拿=.= ("服務"在哪...?)
Water was served in traditional Thai jugs and cups. You have to get it yourself, though, because there wasn't really much "service" at this restaurant.
來到泰式餐廳,就不能忘記嘗試看看泰式奶茶~ 味道有點太甜,其他都還可以接受哩!
Next comes the drinks. It's not a Thai restaurant if they don't have Thai Iced Tea. Their version was on the sweet side, but tasted good, nonetheless.
喜歡甜點的朋友們也可以嘗試椰香西米露唷! 雖然西米露沒有入味...但是整體而言可以接受。
We also ordered Coconut Milk Tapioca. The tapioca was bland but the coconut milk was rich and creamy!
最後~看看店裡可是座無虛席呢~ 想要嘗嘗異國料理的朋友們,不妨來試試看喔!
The restaurant is usually packed at lunchtime. And overall their food was tasty!
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